

Sep 17, 2023

78 Of The Weirdest Things People Have Ever Received As Tips

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It’s no secret that tips can significantly increase the amount of money a server brings home. But some customers get creative in their ways of thanking the waitstaff, and give them a car, for instance, or a cruise trip instead.

These are just a couple of real-life examples of the unconventional tips servers made. They shared it on the ‘Tales From Your Server’ subreddit after one user asked them what was the weirdest non-money tip they’ve ever received. Their answers ranged from heartwarming expressions of kindness to moments that might make one puzzled at best, each likely to be something they’ll never forget. Scroll down to find them on the list below.

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Not *weird* but...A mom and her little girl had been in the WH I worked at and she left a tip for me. The little girl picked up the money from the table and ran to her mom saying she dropped it. The mom explained that she left it on purpose and when a server does a good job you leave something like that for them. The girl ran back to the table, put the money back, paused for a second and took a mini slinky out of her pocket and left it on the table. It was the cutest thing ever and I still have that slinky.

Silvervirage , Tara Winstead Report

This is the best tip!

A Dryer. The restaurant was near Sears and they came in for lunch after purchasing a dryer. I, of course, asked about their day and they were excited about the deal/discount on the new dryer. I was happy for them and said, "That's Awesome! I have a washer but just a clothesline for drying. Maybe I'll check out Sears when I can." As I was presenting the check they said, "We've decided to give you our old dryer. It's 3 yrs old but works pretty well." The only stipulation was I had to go pick it up. But pretty sweet tip!

babigrl50 , Dharmesh Patel Report

Display model probably. Still nice tip.

When I was bartending I had a couple that were regulars who very dramatically broke up their engagement. The next day the woman came in and ordered a drink from me, and after she finished it she paid then placed a huge Victoria’s Secret bag on the bar and told me that was my tip and left. The bag had her wedding dress in it and I had just gotten engaged! We were the same size and it was a gorgeous gown, literally the best tip I ever got

SharksAreScary5 , Amer Khalid Report

I had some old ladies that were regulars who would would regularly ask about My life school etc. Well some bad things happened I ended up homeless. One day without knowing they asked to pray for me. I accepted and the next week I ended up with my own apartment! I moved in and saw the ladies the next week. They asked how I have been I told them the truth that I didn't want to disclose before but I was actually homeless when they decided to pray for me and now I have my very own place to live and it's very nice and I just moved in and I am very relieved. I thanked them for prayers and always believing in me. The next day I walked in and my boss was like, "These ladies came and brought this? "It was a big cardboard box with blankets , candles , curtains, tea,mugs, socks, water bottle , towels , a book, snacks, hat , gloves, and just all these things like you buy someone who just got a new house. I was so honored to receive something so kind as a housewarming gift from some people who really cared. All very cute stuff and extremely thoughtful

meltingrubberducks , BGStock72 Report

Angels in disguise...

I got a car. It was a ‘93 ford escort wagon. It had a completely busted windshield and the registration had been long expired so I had to pay the back registration. I asked a regular to give me their opinion on a station wagon I was looking at getting and he goes “you want a station wagon? I got one for you” That car drove me 1,000 miles away and really changed my life. Thank you, Kevin.

ItsWetInWestOregon , Joe Haupt Report

Some old man who was a regular for me when I served breakfast left me a miniature squeaky pig toy. He told me her name was Princess Petunia.

Hanwisegamgee Report

Imagine the honour of being given Princess Petunia!

Had an older gentleman gift me a Columbia winter coat a couple of weeks before he passed. He and his wife were regulars of mine and he knew I needed a coat. Offered it ahead of time because he was worried I might be offended. His wife came in to tell me the news and that she probably wouldn’t / couldn’t be coming anymore. I stopped working Sundays after that.

b00ty_water , Manny Moreno Report

awww but but she might've wanted to see you :'(

A customer brought me a crock pot because I was talking about wanting one to make pot roasts

Stinkiestlizerd , Becca Tapert Report

It wasn't weird but shocking. There were a bunch of our happy hour couples going on a cruise. The one couples daughter was also going, who was around my age, didn't have anyone to hang with so they invited me. I thanked them but told them I could either afford the cruise or afford to take the week off, not both. Ten minutes later they called me over and told me they were going to pay for my trip. 7 days leaving out of Puerto Rico, 5 islands on a 13 story cruise trip. Most amazing anything I ever received from a regular.

Cool-Item5272 , Bruno Castelli Report

neither afford.....

I once served two dudes on a date, it was near Christmas, and one of them was telling me about their side business growing Christmas trees. Thought it sounded cool, but figured he was full of it cause he seemed a little off. Well, they stayed a long time, and all my other guests were gone, and one of them leaves and comes back with a MINI CHRISTMAS TREE! Like a live Christmas tree about a foot and a half tall. I'd told them my wife and I didn't have a tree for our first Christmas cause our apartment was so small, and he decided to make sure we had a tree

StinkyDawg2204 Report

Some new age woo woo lady left me Tibetan prayer bells once. They were actually pretty darn cool.

h2o_girl , Arina Krasnikova Report

My best friend worked pizza delivery in highschool. It was a small town. Like 5000 people. There were these two retired guys who'd order every Wednesday and tip her with stuff from their garden. One time it was like a whole bunch of zucchini. I only know this because she came by my house and asked me to make her zucchini bread for her birthday. Then handed me her bag full of zucchini. I made 5 loaves out of that. One year was really bad and they didn't have anything in the garden. So she got tipped a bunch of leftover Halloween candy. Another time it was beer, this was right after the Superbowl so very fitting. These two dudes were always a surprise. This was about 10 or so years ago and I recently found out they both passed. W***y and Ron may you rest in peace.

thegothickitty33 , Igor Osinchuk Report

isn’t w1lly a proper name? It shouldn’t be censored

My bfs mom got tipped a legit katana sword. It was worth a few hundred dollars

Kuroyen , Justin Ruckman Report

A 17 pound watermelon. This 2 weeks ago

ilykeplants , Karolina Grabowska Report

I grew up in a rural area, and there was an intense watermelon trafficking during the season.

I just got a free haircut & dye from a customer. Would’ve been $250… absolutely free. & she did a great job.

iwasntawindow , Adam Winger Report

I know….. someone….. whose friend used to tip them in adderall back in the day. Also now I have a regular who periodically brings both albuterol and steroid inhalers (I’m prescribed the same in both) because she knows mine is $300/mo WITH insurance and she gets like 3/$15.What a health care system we have.

jazmanimal6 , Alan Levine Report

A decade ago in a midwestern college town, I had thyroid cancer. I worked for a bar and the owner threw a Service Industry Health Insurance party for me (that I worked). He said he would double the credit card tips. All in all, I made about 1 grand in cash tips and almost 4000 in credit card tips. The owner, completely flabbergasted, offered to match, rather than double and that was INCREDIBLY gracious. Nearly 10 grand in 1 night tending bar.

bonzobaily Report

I didn’t personally receive this tip, but it’s a cute story.When I was in high school, my church took our youth group to a youth camp in Colorado every year. My youth pastor, a young guy who had just graduated college, always left a funny “tip” written on a napkin in addition to a couple bucks for the nice folks serving us meals. They were always something stupid like “don’t drive a convertible in the rain” “babies aren’t dishwasher safe” or something dumb like that, but he got a laugh from the waitresses about it. As the week goes along, a particular waitress starts serving out table more and more, collecting my youth pastor’s tips with a giggle every time. On one of the last days we were there, youth pastor writes “Tip: here’s my number, you should call me :)” on the napkin. Fast forward 8 years, and they’re happily married with two kids. Cutest thing I’ve ever seen

bymyleftshoe Report

Lawn mower and a Motorcycle jacket. Same dude, different occasions.

iSmokedItAll , Magda Ehlers Report

One of my regulars at the bar brought me Chantix. We had previously discussed how she’d just quit smoking using it, and I said in passing that I’d love for my husband to try that but that we didn’t have health insurance so it’d be too expensive. (The cost of the doctor’s visit and prescription would be over $300.) Next visit she showed up with a full prescription of Chantix. She’d gone to her doctor and said she needed another prescription and brought them to me for my husband. He did quit smoking too.

missphobe , pfizer Report

Doesn't that have psychotic side effects? I seem to remember they stopped using it in the UK because it sent you batsh1t.

Two tix to see The Temptations! It was a super sweet older couple. I was wowed. I took our dishwasher and had a great time.

planetarylaw , thetemptations Report

I was confused for a moment…🤣🤣🤣

I knew someone who got an air fryer and every so often I wonder why they even had an air fryer on them in the first place

coffee-headache , HS You Report

My coworker got a Wyoming Goldback last night in her tips. None of us had any idea what it was, but a quick Google search informed us that it's some kind of alternative currency printed in Wyoming, which, according to the Cowboy State Daily news site, is accepted at at least 40 businesses in Wyoming. No, I do not live in or near Wyoming

LarrySladePipeDream , Silver Dragons Report

I got a set of gorgeous plates and bowls from this cute family I served a few times. They had to have been expensive. They’re heavy, white, square, just beautiful. I think they told me they were a wedding gift, but they bought a new set. They came back in and I told them how much they’re used and that I think of them every time I use them! She almost teared up. Such awesome people. Such awesome plates!!

wildeag Report

Swarovski crystal Tennis bracelet

ImaginationNo5381 Report

I guess it's not weird, but definitely the most lucrative: i got a card from einstein bagels for one free bagel every day for a year. The kicker was that it didnt include the cream cheese. I happened to have an einstein's about 100 feet from my house. I bought a tub of cream cheese for my fridge and got that bagel every single day. At the time, a plain bagel was i think 90 cents. So i made at least 300 bucks from that tip.

OverlappingChatter , Rachel McDermott Report

I used to cocktail at this steakhouse that also had some pool tables. This older biker guy would hang all night and then tip us one earring. Only ever one and I never heard of any of us receiving the second half.

No_Alfalfa9836 Report

An actual Swiss Army knife, I still use it and they also left a cash tip too

DaddyBrielle Report

A business card for Jesus that showed him driving a Monster Truck called The Redeemer. I carried it in my wallet for years

johngalt4426 Report

I had a regular who I was pretty close with, we have a similar body type. She was cleaning out her closet and gave me a bag full of (expensive) clothing.

eyeball-owo Report

A regular pinstriped my car. It was really neat. He asked me (obvs) and did it in the lot. He was really old and just a cool old guy. He did a damn good job and it was sweet too. I loved it. Another was a moving crew who moved my daughter & I out of our home when I left my ex. They saved me a lot of stress, I’m forever grateful.

Auntiemens Report

I was new to serving, and gave a customer a $5 bill, a $1 bill, and some change for his $20. The customer gave me the dollar and change, on a $13+ pizza, and told me, "If you'd have given me five more ones, I'd have given two more back to you. Always make it easy for the tipper to give you your 20%." Weirdest non money tip ever. And it probably earned me more $$$ than anything else I was ever taught about waiting tables.

GoodLookingOldFatGuy Report

A guy gave me a coprolite. That's literally a fossilized piece of s**t. It was super cool.He asked me if I knew what it was then he'd give it to me. I had just seen a documentary on discover channel when they actually showed them. So I said, "yep that's a piece of poop".He actually tipped well in cash from his kangaroo s*****m coin purse. Which I did not correctly guess.

Pooschnickens Report

Holy water in a Jager bottle. It had an official sticker on the front and everything saying it was holy water and showing the church it came from.

throwaway10101010190 , kimmy2Xs Report

Not weirdest but my best, homemade apple pie moonshine. I can still taste it in my dreams

Admirable-Meeting-10 Report

Homemade apple pie moonshine is still the best alcoholic drink I’ve had in my life

An entire side of delicious bbq lamb from some place at Lane Cove. OMG is was incredible

Oceandog2019 Report

Not me, but my wife. Guy came in who was an author of childrens books. They have paper liners on the tables and usually give crayons to kids. This guy ends up drawing a cool picture of some cats and signing it for her. Also left money, but we thought it was pretty cool and still have it. He's not super famous or anything, but he's a legit author and we ended up buying one of his books for our kid.

Heyoteyo Report

I got a flyer for a treatment facility for women with eating disorders. Remuda Ranch in Wickenburg, AZ. I was very skinny at the time, but it was genetics, not an eating disorder that made me that way. The funniest thing about it was that my aunt actually worked at that facility at the time. When I told her about it, she just laughed.

Redknight75 Report

A lot of weed and I got a vinyl record once

Djbearjew Report

A tie-dyed t-shirt. Not all that unusual, but the circumstance was awesome. (I've told the story before - two drunk kids tried to dine and dash, colleague Big Carol noticed and met them in the parking lot with their bill. She came back in with a fistful of coins, which covered the check. When asked about a tip for the waitress, they genuinely had no more money. Carol mentioned that she thought I'd like the shirt one guy was wearing.)Yes, I still have that shirt 35 years later!

50EffingCabbages Report

I used to deliver to a Halloween decoration designer and aside from money he once gave me zombie lawn gnome statues!

goestoeswoes Report

Maybe not weirdest but certainly the best. I had a party of 15 celebrating a birthday and they brought in a gigantic fresh cake from one of the incredible Italian bakeries in my city, it was far too much cake for them to finish and they were insistent that I take a piece for myself to bring home. They cut me a massive piece and put it in a takeout container and it was honestly some of the best cake I've had in my entire life. Obligatory to mention, they did tip because of autogratuity on their party and some of the guests also snuck cash into my hand. Not quite what the question was asking but I do think about it from time to time and smile.

notarealphilosopher Report

I work in a city known for its witches. While I was working during tourist season I received a piece of rose quartz, in addition to a sizable normal tip. Rose quartz is known for having healing properties. I had a little bag crocheted to place it in and wore it around my neck.

Dillymom01 Report

Being in the south I've gotten several bible verses written on the check with a fat zero next to it. My co worco-workerker once had a 6top spend $500 and only tip her with a $10 Publix gift card, my restaurant required us to tip out like a lot of places do, with that being the only table she got that night she had to pay out of her own pocket the tip out.

Bak3dBri , doodiebearz Report

Making the employee cover the tip ... if that's not illegal, it should be.

Not exactly weird imo, but I have a couple regulars I deliver to for doordash that tip me in mcdonalds free combo coupons. It's really nice to be able to grab lunch for free lol

ToBeDART Report

A friend told me that some guy always ripped in pogs. Like 5-10 pogs. Idk if I believe her. She never showed any to me. But I thought the idea was funny.Mine wasn't tips, but I will never forget the wonder of working at a high end ice cream shop and having the perk of a free pint every week. After a month or two there I had a full freezer already and knew other people in food service in the area. So we would trade our freebies. My fav was a pint for a bowl of ramen, manager worked there for years and never took the free bowl at that point. So she was happy to give it to me for a pint she could share with her crew. I never knew food as currency/trade would get me so many free lunches. I miss those days.

Ravioverlord Report

I got a stylus pen a couple years ago. The guy was really nice the whole time. When he left, I found a note saying he didn't realize he had only brought a $20 so he left me the dollar and change and said he hoped I enjoy my nice new stylus lol. I wasn't even mad.

ILoveAliens75 Report

A window air conditioner and his hotel key left on his bar stool. Very weird but sure helped out during a very hot summer in my new rental! The key went in the trash. I felt very weird accepting it but it was a very hard time in my life and I look back and thank him for that. Not the key, lol, just the kindness.

nhmber13 , Inga Munsinger Cotton Report

A new blanket. I still use that blanket, it’s a nice soft fluffy warm one.

IthurielSpear Report

I had a customer give me a weighted blanket. :) I still have it

Oh boy, sometimes I miss bartending- Beef ribs (cooked), expensive tea from India, Chinese cigarettes, a full length bar mirror, weed, many phone numbers, and finally, ammunition. Good times

redneckembalmer Report

I got coupons, like from the Penny Saver, for places I wouldn't go and for things I wouldn't buy. That table had spent the entire two hours of camping in my section scratching lotto tickets, and running me back to the kitchen every time they saw me for more rolls. They finally (Finally!) pay, leave a zero in the tip line, and on top of the tip slip, they leave a stack of several s****y coupons. Oh, and they left their piles of already scratched losing lotto scratchers all over the table, plus all the debris from the losing scratchers, and an empty pack of Misty menthol 100s. This happened several months ago, and I still think about it.

trouble_ann Report

I had one of my patrons gift me a pair of handmade earrings

EllethOfGondolin Report

Paper bag full of fireworks

gingerjaybird3 Report

I've been tipped in drugs multiple times.

sparrows_rest Report


A single collectible Coca Cola bottle in a decorative cardboard tube. It was a special edition Cal Ripken Jr bottle, either for when he retired, or for when he broke Lou Gehrig's record for consecutive games played. I can't remember which one it was.

DieHardRennie Report

Doordash handles some of the grocery store deliveries in our area. In my area, being able to shop for your groceries online and have them delivered was not a thing until lockdown. I have mobility problems and it's just easier to get deliveries.The first time I had my groceries delivered I realized right before they were due to arrive that I didn't have any cash to tip them. The delivery app had not yet added a way to tip people through it (the app).We had a small jar that we had been saving change in. I saw it and grabbed a ziploc out of the cupboard. There was about $15 worth of change.When they arrived I showed them the bag, apologizing profusely for having to tip them in change. They looked at it a bit strangely at first but then shrugged and said "it all spends the same!"How weird is tipping with a ziploc of change? (incidentally, I haven't had to do that again since lol)

ScoutBandit Report

A sticker of a selfie of themself. My coworker once got a coupon for an expired subway sandwich, only valid at participating stores…in the next county over.

thasova Report

A homemade “mushroom” truffle….Oh okay thanks. But yeah I will not be eating your homemade situation. Especially in a state where all this s**t is legal and I could walk three blocks down to buy something reliable.

chavjinx Report

A pound of chocolate pudding. One of my customers at a sports bar worked at a pudding factory. It was delicious

eyeslikedeadgrass Report

A business card for a car dealership.Dude came in the bar, ordered drinks, & did the usual "flirt with the waitress a bit" routine, but then started leaning in about my car when I didn't bite. I brushed it off, went frosty to him when he kept on about it, & he soon left after he finished his beer.He left a few coins with his business card on the counter. I'm guessing the dude sucked just as bad at selling cars as he did at picking up women, haaaaa.

LimeFizz42 Report

I used to work at a brown jazzy pub, lots of regulars. I've been tipped the weirdest s**t: tons of phone numbers and indecent propositions, weed, two home made knives (from two different people), art and - maybe my favorite - this one dude made me cassette tape copies of everything (!) The Beatles. I loved that job!

FlamingoQueasy5853 Report

Portable grill!

Spirderconfused Report

Soft side cooler FULL of bagged blue gill filets. One of my favorite "tips"ever. They were delicious.

Fun_Celebration_5623 Report

An acoustic guitar.

ohyoushiksagoddess Report

I got a bottle of very nice craft bourbon.It was more than half full...

captainp42 Report

Chris Martin from Coldplay gave me some sorta badge with LOVE written on it… it was the during the first summer of the pandemic… I needed cash

split_prism Report

Could've been worse. Goop is all I'm saying.

A Chinese 5 Yuan, didn't even mind since I've never seen one before. That was on top of the US cash too.

JDCTsunami Report

My wife has a guy that comes now and again, gives her a rose (along with a big tip). Says he's a fan of her music, and he's been to some shows so far as we can tell. Nice dude, overall. Doesn't seem dangerous. So far that's the weirdest we've ever been tipped.

Sarcastic_Troll Report

A 2nd futon. Not me, but my mom ran a breastfeeding consultation business out of our home when I was in elementary school (had pens with her business name for school and a sign in the front yard 10 feet from where the bus picked me up, so overall a fun experience). She worked as a nurse and lactation consultant at a couple different inner city hospitals so her clientele were very poor and she would take pretty much anything as payment to the point there's no way she didn't lose money. Some examples I can remember: industrial sized laundry detergent, tons of candles, and the futon that I slept on until someone else gave her a futon and then I slept on that futon.

MantaRayDonovan1 Report

Also got offered a Billy Strings ticket for tonight in Huntsville as a tip TODAY, but I could not make it work logistically so I had to say no

LowerParsnip3548 Report

I on e had a hours of ladies after a bachelorette party. They weren't bad, and was pretty serving them. The bill was like 70$. They left like 6 in loose coins, a bunch of unopened p***s shaped candy and the best damn pair of socks I've ever worn!

Coronado83 Report

i got a little toy dinosaur that still sits on my thermostat a year later!

Embarrassed-Ad8053 Report

A toilet

DagwoodBumstedt Report

one time a guy didn’t leave me a tip he just drew a s****y flower on a napkin with blue pen and wrote his number+snapchat on it. i was so confused. another man didn’t tip me but he said “are you wearing space pants?” “….no?” “cause that’s a*s is out of this world!!” space pants man was old enough that he had a full head and beard of white hair. i was literally 16 years old at the time

monkyonarock Report

Dirty old men, yikes…

An unopened box of cereal from 1997

KASchay Report

Dog balloon animal.

FitKnitter4 Report

Lotto ticket, Frosty key tag, Walmart gift card.

Strong-Ad-9193 Report

2 ears of corn

SammyKaye71 Report

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Miglė is a writer here at Bored Panda with a BA in linguistics. Passionate about travelling and music, she combines the two by finding occasions to visit places yet personally unexplored. In addition to that, she enjoys spending her free time outdoors or socializing over a cup of coffee.

Kotryna is a Photo Editor at Bored Panda with a BA in Graphic Design. Before Bored Panda, she worked as a freelance graphic designer and illiustrator. When not editing, she enjoys working with clay, drawing, playing board games and drinking good tea.

These were so random 😆 my weirdest one was a taxidermed fox 🦊 I loved it so much, had to give it away when I went interstate, can’t take it on planes etc

1/4 krugerrand was definitely my best tip ever! I was 16 and worked in a bar as a summer job. I didn't believe it and paid 20€ to get it tested (it was real and I still have it)

I’ve gotten two MAC lipsticks after I told a lady I liked the shade of lipstick she had on, bracelets (I’m building a large collection of them), a set of used color pencils (I am not mad at this one, it’s good to have some non high end ones laying around), and some shoes from a lady that didn’t need them. I work as a front service clerk for context.

These were so random 😆 my weirdest one was a taxidermed fox 🦊 I loved it so much, had to give it away when I went interstate, can’t take it on planes etc

1/4 krugerrand was definitely my best tip ever! I was 16 and worked in a bar as a summer job. I didn't believe it and paid 20€ to get it tested (it was real and I still have it)

I’ve gotten two MAC lipsticks after I told a lady I liked the shade of lipstick she had on, bracelets (I’m building a large collection of them), a set of used color pencils (I am not mad at this one, it’s good to have some non high end ones laying around), and some shoes from a lady that didn’t need them. I work as a front service clerk for context.